No Cold Water

No Cold Water Problems & Cures

No Cold Water
Just woken up to get ready for work and find you have no cold water coming through the tap or any other tap in the house?

Getting frustrated at times is very costly and wondering on what to do?

Martin Smith an emergency plumber explains on what should be done when in a plumbing emergency before calling the 24 hour plumber. Just below are also very similar related questions.

6 similar questions to no cold water problems?

  • I have no cold water coming through my tap, what can this be?
  • No cold water coming into the house, has my water been turned off?
  • Has my mains water supply collapsed as I have no cold water?
  • I’ve no cold water, should I ask my neighbour if they have water?
  • Should I have notice if the water board or plumber is to turn the water off in the area?
  • Is it possible I have a blockage in my water if I have no cold water coming through my mains water supply in my house?

I have no cold water coming through my tap, what can this be

If you have no cold water coming through the tap, even though your able to turn the stop valve into the on position, the tap may either be faulty at the valve. On some taps imported, you may find have a filter that could be blocked. In most case you will find that the valve is faulty.

No cold water coming into the house, has my water been turned off

If you have no cold water coming into the house at all, then check with your neighbour if they also have water. If your neighbour doesn’t have water, then the mains water supply is off in the area. If your the only one that doesn’t have no cold water, then it could be that your water has been turned off. If your able to turn the mains water stopcock on, then do so, but it may be an idea to inform the water board of the situation. Best thing to do is to contact an emergency plumber to get advice as there is also a slight possibility that the water mains supply has either come apart or collapsed.

Has my mains water supply collapsed as I have no cold water

The only way to find out if the mains water supply has collapsed under the ground is to find out if the mains water stopcock that belongs to the water board is passing water and the mains water stopcock in the house has water getting to it. If there is a plumbing problem of no cold water passing in-between, then it will require an emergency plumber to further investigate.

I’ve no cold water, should I ask my neighbour if they have water

As explained in one of the above paragraphs, it is always a good idea to ask you next door neighbour if they have water to find out if it’s an area problem.

Should I have notice if the water board or plumber is to turn the water off in the area

If the water board are going to turn the water off in the area due to maintenance work, then the water board will send a letter out to you giving notice. If there is a major water leak or any type of emergency situation, you may get a knock on the door to let you know that the water is going off temporary. If the plumber has to turn a row of houses off in order to work on the water leak, then this may only require a knock at the door. The plumber or water board must not leave the water off, if there is no immediate work being done on the property to stop the leak.

Is it possible I have a blockage in my water if I have no cold water coming through my mains water supply in my house

Sometime when there is work being done on the water supply, it is possible that a lump of mud may be stuck in the pipe stopping the water supply getting through. Sometimes if a jet of water was placed in the pipework, the water may unblock but this would have to be place with a profession as  having high water pressure through the water supply can be dangerous.