Monthly Archives: January 2014

Under Sink Food Macerator

Under Sink Food Macerator Problems & Cures

Under Sink Food Macerator Problems
“Just moved into a house and great, I have under sink food macerator problems and just need a cure. Should I replace my waste unit or throw the macerator away”. In the picture to the right with thanks to Thomas Sweeney @Plumberwirral an emergency plumber Wirral who dedicated his time with supplying the pictures is a typical food macerator supplied and replace. It is quite typical that customers prefer to have there waste food macerator out rather than replace it, but for this instance the macerator was replace. Just below are some question but also answered about under sink macerators and there problems. Continue reading

Burst Pipe In Garden

Burst Pipe In Garden Information & Cures

Burst Pipe In Garden
Ever had a burst pipe In Garden and don’t know what to do? Burst pipes can come from all types of work that has been done incorrectly from bad workmanship to badly manufacture fittings explains Martin Smith an emergency plumber Manchester.

In the picture to the right is a 15mm copper pipe that has corroded away and was fitted under ground. This has got to be the job of a DIY plumber or in some case cowboy plumbers. It is very common water leak, when attending to an emergency plumbing job where there is a burst pipe in garden that has copper pipe fitted under ground. Just below are some very common question that that are searched. Please keep in mind in our article garden could also mean pathway or drive. Continue reading

180 Pipe Bending Machine 15mm

180° Pipe Bending Machine 15mm Information & Reviews

180 Degrees Pipe Bending Machine 15mm
Looking for 180° pipe bending machine but don’t know where to find one? Martin Smith an emergency plumber did the same when searching for 15ml pipe benders that do 180° and all he came up with was these pipe benders in the picture to the right, which he bought over the internet. Finding some really cool pipe benders on the search engine was not easy as Martin had experienced due to the amount of people selling them. Continue reading

Pipe Slicers In 8mm

Pipe Slicers in 8-mm 10-mm 15-mm 22mm & 28mm Information With Questions Answered & Reviews

Pipe Slicers In 8mm
Looking for a 8mm pipe slicer? In the past, many years ago, there was only a hacksaw, until the adjustable pipe slicers came out. For a while they were looked upon as making the job so much easier, however the adjustable pipe slicers were not great in tight areas, then there was the 15mm pipe slicers, followed by the 22mm plumbing pipe slicers. Continue reading

Electric Shower Problems

Electric Shower Problems & Cures

Electric Shower Problems

Martin Smith explains as an experienced emergency plumber, Martin has come across plenty of electric shower problems. Some plumbing problems with these showers can be a balance of old showers and new showers and is very strongly recommended when buying an electric shower is to buy the best electric shower that has a long live.

In the picture to the right, the hotspots are pointed to areas that have electric shower problems and can be common water leaks or just not working resulting in the need for an emergency plumber. In each step Martin will explain each hot spot and common searches made by the public to what the problem can be with there electric shower. We will give you the common questions then we will answer them in the best way we feel. Continue reading

No Cold Water

No Cold Water Problems & Cures

No Cold Water
Just woken up to get ready for work and find you have no cold water coming through the tap or any other tap in the house?

Getting frustrated at times is very costly and wondering on what to do?

Martin Smith an emergency plumber explains on what should be done when in a plumbing emergency before calling the 24 hour plumber. Just below are also very similar related questions. Continue reading

Leaking Water Meter

Leaking Water Meter Repair Problems & Procedures

Leaking Water Meter

Martin Smith explains about the leaking water meter repair problems and what are the procedures that should be taken. This type of leak is not a common water leak but again, like most other water leaks, it has to be dealt with as professional as possible.

In the picture to the right, curtsey of Thomas Sweeney from TS Plumbing Services, an emergency plumber Wirral & Chester has sent us a few pictures to help us with the leaking water meter. The water leak was coursed by an appliance coming out and like most things that are not thought through, the water meter was in the way. Just below are some common question that have come about for information that occupants and emergency plumbers would like to know when there is a leaking water meter. Continue reading

Drain Smells

Drain Smells, Problems With Drainage In Your Home

Drain Smells
Martin Smith an experienced 24-hour emergency plumber explains everything you need to know about drain smells including common questions below that we will answer. What a stink!

In the picture to the right we have a real life experience where there were drain smells coming up into the cloakroom toilet where the United Utilities came out to find out if the drain smells was a result with either a blocked drain of a fault on there side. Continue reading

Plumbing Problems

Plumbing Problems And There Best Cures

Plumbing Problems
Occupant explains about plumbing problems, “over the past few weeks I have noticed a water stain in my ceiling but don’t know what to do and should I call an emergency plumber out to investigate and fix”. Martin an emergency plumber explains that this is a common situation to many customers in the UK and when it comes to plumbing problems that are either a weeping water pipe or water seeping through the house caused by the rain. Just below Martin explains in more detail about your plumbing problems including common questions answered. Continue reading

Plumbing Register

Plumbing Register About Us By Martin Smith The Agent

Welcome to the plumbing register by Martin Smith who is gas safe & works as an agent. Plumbing Register
Martin Smith runs a nation service providing customers with an 24 hour emergency plumbing service nation wide. Our system includes a very clever Emergency Plumber App that tells us if your ON/OFF call. For any future visits to this page, please keep a note of this link – Please read all below to understand what we are all about & how it works.

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